Sunday, May 31, 2009

Turning 45..Tears of Joy or Midlife Crisis?

Any words of WISDOM for a woman turning 45!
Usually I wouldn't put my age out there like this but, this is a BIG one! Thank you to some family and friends who have left me comments like:
My sister reminds me we are Blessed with good genes!
A friend recommended a book on aging well..."Nurture" by Lisa Bevere
"Been there done that, I still feel the same...Happy Birthday!"
-Friend from Tampa, FL
"Don't even stress it cuz you look great!"
-friend from CT
Another friend said "You aren't quite at your half-way point. Your later years WILL be more wonderful, more full of blessings, more full of glory than all those before. Each year will build upon the others glory."
-Missionary in Africa
"Continue to be, the best YOU, you can be, which is the best you can be to yourself. Happy Birthday!"
-VH in Atlanta
"Some words of Wisdom on turning 45. Well, this is the truth. You are young, and you will never be this young again. Keep yourself as fit as you can because it all gets harder. Eat the best foods that you can afford, and give up something else if you have to. Grow some food for your family. It will be good for you all, and working in the soil in the sunshine will give you vitamin D, and some inner peace and joy.
You are not old. Play everyday. Have enough work for your hands to do. Find some joy in each and everyday. Laugh a lot, and don't take things to seriously. Tell those you love that you love them. Take some time for yourself, then you can be better for the people you love. Keep your girlfriends. They will understand you and be there for you no matter what. Love God, love your family, and love yourself. You are not old. Don't waste your time and energy on things that really don't matter. Set aside special things for you and your husband. The kids will be up and gone before you know it, and you've got to keep that friendship going with your man. It will be just you and him when the kids are gone, so keep it strong. Stop thinking that you're old. According to the gene pool in this family, you're still considered young, a kid as a matter of fact. Think about my mother (Aunt J) and her sisters; ages 80, 90 and what (Aunt D) 97!!! Oh my, has God ever been good to us!
But, the thing've got to keep it right and take real good care of yourself, and enjoy the gift that you've been given. So, my dear cousin, you must relax and love life and just know that GOd has blessed you richly. HAVE A WONDERFUL BIRTHDAY!
-Love your cousin MM from Maine
"Ummmmm... Sleep on a satin pillow and with a satin cap on your hair?! LOL. Wish I had something more profound to impart. How's this-- surround yourself with like-minded, *true* friends, learn how to "weed" out those who don't meet the grade then weed them out with nary a backward glance! On a serious note, I think you've done quite well...your marriage is intact and your girls are beautiful and well rounded. And you finally have your son! You are blessed my Dear, and I am very happy for you. Let's hope that in the next 21 years of our friendship (gosh, it's been *that* long!!!) we'll be able to see each other more often.
-Love ya :-) Friend in Washington, DC

"Seperate yourself from toxic people. So that as you enter this phase of your life you can enjoy true liberty. Happy Blessed Birthday!!! -DvineExpression from twitter

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